ホーム長編緋色の研究四つの署名バスカヴィル家の犬恐怖の谷短編シャーロック・ホームズの冒険シャーロック・ホームズの回想シャーロック・ホームズの帰還最後の挨拶 シャーロック・ホームズの事件簿

Cecil Barker succeeded Mrs. Allen as a witness. As to the occurrences of the night before, he had very little to add to what he had already told the police. Personally, he was convinced that the murderer had escaped by the window. The bloodstain was conclusive, in his opinion, on that point. Besides, as the bridge was up, there was no other possible way of escaping. He could not explain what had become of the assassin or why he had not taken his bicycle, if it were indeed his. He could not possibly have been drowned in the moat, which was at no place more than three feet deep.

アレン夫人の後はセシル・ベーカーが証言を続けた昨夜の出来事に関しては / 彼が既に警察に話していた事に付け加えるものはほとんどなかった個人的に / 彼は殺人犯が窓から逃げたと確信していた血痕は決定的だった / 彼の考えでは / その点に関してその上 / 跳ね橋が上げられていたので / 他に逃げられる方法はなかった彼は説明できなかった / 殺害の原因が何か / なぜ犯人が自転車を置いていったか / もしそれが実際に彼のものであったのなら犯人が堀で溺れるという事はまずありえなかった / 堀に三フィートより深いところはどこにもない

In his own mind he had a very definite theory about the murder. Douglas was a reticent man, and there were some chapters in his life of which he never spoke. He had emigrated to America when he was a very young man. He had prospered well, and Barker had first met him in California, where they had become partners in a successful mining claim at a place called Benito Cañon. They had done very well; but Douglas had suddenly sold out and started for England. He was a widower at that time. Barker had afterwards realized his money and come to live in London. Thus they had renewed their friendship.

彼自身の考えでは / 彼はこの殺人に対して非常に確固とした理論を持っていたダグラスは無口な男だった / そして彼の人生で決して話さない時期があった彼は非常に若い時期にアメリカに移住した彼は非常に儲けた / そしてバーカーは彼と初めてカリフォルニアで会った / そこで彼らは共同経営者となった / ベニト・キャノンという場所の成功した鉱区の彼は非常に上手くやった / しかしダグラスは突然売り払ってイギリスに向かった彼はその時妻とは死に別れていたバーカーはその後資産を現金化してロンドンに住むことになったこのようにして彼ら旧交を再び温め直す事になった

Douglas had given him the impression that some danger was hanging over his head, and he had always looked upon his sudden departure from California, and also his renting a house in so quiet a place in England, as being connected with this peril. He imagined that some secret society, some implacable organization, was on Douglas’s track, which would never rest until it killed him. Some remarks of his had given him this idea; though he had never told him what the society was, nor how he had come to offend it. He could only suppose that the legend upon the placard had some reference to this secret society.

ダグラスは彼に印象を与えた / 何か危険が付きまとっているという / そして彼はいつも見なした / 彼のカリフォルニアからの突然の出発 / そして彼がイギリスのこんなに閑散とした場所に家を借りた事も / この危険に関係があると彼は想像した / 何かの秘密結社 / 何か執念深い組織が / ダグラスを追っていると / 彼を殺すまでは決して手を緩めない彼がした幾つかの話が / 彼にこの考えをもたらした / 彼はその結社が何かは決して語らなかったし / 彼がどのようにしてそれと敵対する事になったかも語らなかったが彼はただ想像できるだけだった / あのカードに書かれた文字が / この機密結社の何かの印だと

“How long were you with Douglas in California?” asked Inspector MacDonald.

「カリフォルニアでダグラスとどれくらいの期間一緒にいたんですか?」 / マクドナルド警部が尋ねた

“Five years altogether.”


“He was a bachelor, you say?”


“A widower.”


“Have you ever heard where his first wife came from?”


“No, I remember his saying that she was of German extraction, and I have seen her portrait. She was a very beautiful woman. She died of typhoid the year before I met him.”

「いいえ / ドイツの家系だというのを聞いた記憶があります / それから彼女の肖像画も見たことがあります非常に美しい女性でした彼女は私が彼と会う前の年に腸チフスで死んでいました」

“You don’t associate his past with any particular part of America?”


“I have heard him talk of Chicago. He knew that city well and had worked there. I have heard him talk of the coal and iron districts. He had travelled a good deal in his time.”


“Was he a politician? Had this secret society to do with politics?”

「彼は政治家だったのですか? / その秘密結社は政治絡みのものだったのですか?」

“No, he cared nothing about politics.”

「いいえ / 彼は政治には無関心でした」

“You have no reason to think it was criminal?”


“On the contrary, I never met a straighter man in my life.”

「全く逆です / 人生であれほど真面目な人間には会った事がありません」

“Was there anything curious about his life in California?”


“He liked best to stay and to work at our claim in the mountains. He would never go where other men were if he could help it. That’s why I first thought that someone was after him. Then when he left so suddenly for Europe I made sure that it was so. I believe that he had a warning of some sort. Within a week of his leaving half a dozen men were inquiring for him.”

「彼は山の鉱区にいて働くことが一番好きでした彼はもしそう出来るなら他の人間がいる所には行こうとしませんでした私が最初に彼が誰かに追われていると思ったのはそれが理由ですその後、彼があんなに急にヨーロッパに行ったので / 私はそうだと確信しました彼は何か身の危険を感じたのだと信じています彼が出て行って1週間と経たずに / 6人の男が彼を探していました」

“What sort of men?”


“Well, they were a mighty hard-looking crowd. They came up to the claim and wanted to know where he was. I told them that he was gone to Europe and that I did not know where to find him. They meant him no good it was easy to see that.”

「そうですね、屈強で強面の男達でした彼らは鉱区に来て彼がどこにいるか知りたがっていました私は彼らに言いました / 彼はヨーロッパに行って / 私はどこに行けば会えるか知らないと彼らは彼に悪意を持っている / / それは簡単に見て取れました」

“Were these men Americans – Californians?”


“Well, I don’t know about Californians. They were Americans, all right. But they were not miners. I don’t know what they were, and was very glad to see their backs.”

「そうですね / カリフォルニアかどうかは分かりません彼らは間違いなくアメリカ人でしたしかし炭鉱労働者ではありませんでした私は彼らの仕事が何かは分かりません / そして彼らが引き返してくれて本当にほっとしました」

“That was six years ago?”


“Nearer seven.”


“And then you were together five years in California, so that this business dates back not less than eleven years at the least?”

「その時あなた方はカリフォルニアで5年間一緒にいた / したがって問題が起きたのは少なくとも11年前以前のことになりますね?」

“That is so.”


“It must be a very serious feud that would be kept up with such earnestness for as long as that. It would be no light thing that would give rise to it.”

「非常に深刻な敵対関係に違いない / そんなに長い間それほど熱心に追い続けてくるとはちょっとした事では、そんな事を引き起こさなかっただろう」

“I think it shadowed his whole life. It was never quite out of his mind.”


“But if a man had a danger hanging over him, and knew what it was, don’t you think he would turn to the police for protection?”

「しかしもし危険があったのなら / そしてそれが何か知っていたのなら / 彼は警察の保護に頼ったとは思いませんか?」

“Maybe it was some danger that he could not be protected against. There’s one thing you should know. He always went about armed. His revolver was never out of his pocket. But, by bad luck, he was in his dressing gown and had left it in the bedroom last night. Once the bridge was up, I guess he thought he was safe.”

「多分、何か抵抗し難い危険だったのでしょう知っておくべきことが一つあります彼は出歩く時いつも武器を携帯していました彼の拳銃は何時でもポケットに入っていましたしかし / 運悪く / 彼は昨夜ガウンを着て拳銃を寝室に置いてきていました跳ね橋が上がれば / 彼は安全だと思っていたのではないかと思います」