ホーム長編緋色の研究四つの署名バスカヴィル家の犬恐怖の谷短編シャーロック・ホームズの冒険シャーロック・ホームズの回想シャーロック・ホームズの帰還最後の挨拶 シャーロック・ホームズの事件簿

Sherlock Holmes’s prophecy was soon fulfilled, and in a dramatic fashion. At half-past seven next morning, in the first dim glimmer of daylight, I found him standing by my bedside in his dressing-gown.

シャーロックホームズの予言はすぐに的中した / 非常に劇的な形式で次の日の朝、7時半 / 朝日が最初の鈍い光を投げかける頃 / 私は、彼が私のベッドの側にガウンを着て立っているのに気付いた

“There’s a brougham waiting for us, Watson,” said he.

「馬車が待ってるよ / ワトソン」 / 彼は言った

“What’s the matter, then?”


“The Brook Street business.”


“Any fresh news?”


“Tragic, but ambiguous,” said he, pulling up the blind. “Look at this a sheet from a notebook, with ‘For God’s sake come at once. P. T.,’ scrawled upon it in pencil. Our friend, the doctor, was hard put to it when he wrote this. Come along, my dear fellow, for it’s an urgent call.”

「悲劇的だが / 曖昧な」 / 彼は言った / ブラインドを開けながら「これを見ろ / / ノートの一枚だ / 『お願いですからすぐに来て下さい P. T.』 / 鉛筆で走り書きしてあるあの医者は / これを書くのもおおごとだったようだ行こう / ワトソン / 緊急の呼び出しだ」

In a quarter of an hour or so we were back at the physician’s house. He came running out to meet us with a face of horror.

15分ほどで / 我々は内科医の家に着いた彼は飛び出してきて恐怖に怯えた顔で私達を迎えた

“Oh, such a business!” he cried with his hands to his temples.

「なんということでしょう!」 / 彼は手をこめかみに当てて叫んだ

“What then?”


“Blessington has committed suicide!”


Holmes whistled.


“Yes, he hanged himself during the night.”


We had entered, and the doctor had preceded us into what was evidently his waiting-room.

我々は家に入った / 医者は彼の待合室と思われるところに我々を先導した

“I really hardly know what I am doing,” he cried. “The police are already upstairs. It has shaken me most dreadfully.”

「私はどうしていいか分からない」 / 彼は叫んだ「警察は既に二階にいます物凄く恐ろしい事件です」

“When did you find it out?”


“He has a cup of tea taken in to him early every morning. When the maid entered, about seven, there the unfortunate fellow was hanging in the middle of the room. He had tied his cord to the hook on which the heavy lamp used to hang, and he had jumped off from the top of the very box that he showed us yesterday.”

「彼は朝早くお茶を持ってこさせる習慣でしたメイドが部屋に入ると / 七時に / 部屋の真中で不幸な男がぶら下っていました彼は重い照明を吊るしていたフックに紐をかけて / 彼が昨日見せたあの箱の上から飛び降りていました」

Holmes stood for a moment in deep thought.


“With your permission,” said he at last, “I should like to go upstairs and look into the matter.”

「お許しを得て」 / 彼は遂に言った / 「二階に行ってこの事件を調査したいですな」

We both ascended, followed by the doctor.
