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復讐の天使たち 5 | ジョン・ワトソン医学博士の回想録の続き 1 ![]() |
Many a man, however vindictive, would have abandoned all thought of revenge in the face of such a difficulty, but Jefferson Hope never faltered for a moment. With the small competence he possessed, eked out by such employment as he could pick up, he travelled from town to town through the United States in quest of his enemies. Year passed into year, his black hair turned grizzled, but still he wandered on, a human bloodhound, with his mind wholly set upon the one object to which he had devoted his life. At last his perseverance was rewarded. It was but a glance of a face in a window, but that one glance told him that Cleveland in Ohio possessed the men whom he was in pursuit of. He returned to his miserable lodgings with his plan of vengeance all arranged. It chanced, however, that Drebber, looking from his window, had recognized the vagrant in the street, and had read murder in his eyes. He hurried before a justice of the peace accompanied by Stangerson, who had become his private secretary, and represented to him that they were in danger of their lives from the jealousy and hatred of an old rival. That evening Jefferson Hope was taken into custody, and not being able to find sureties, was detained for some weeks. When at last he was liberated it was only to find that Drebber’s house was deserted, and that he and his secretary had departed for Europe. | ほとんどの男なら / いかに執念深くても / 復讐する考えをきっぱり諦めたかもしれない / このような困難に直面すれば / しかしジェファーソン・ホープは一瞬たりともひるまなかった◆彼が持っていたちょっとした技量で / 彼が収入を得られる仕事で食いつなぎながら / 彼は町から町を旅した / 彼の敵を求めてアメリカ中を◆年は過ぎ / 彼の黒髪は白髪交じりとなった / しかし彼はまださまよい歩いていた / 猟犬のような人間として / 彼の心はすべて彼が人生を捧げた一つの目的に向けられていた◆ついに彼の忍耐力は報われた◆それは窓の中の顔がちらっと見えただけだった / しかしその一瞬でオハイオのクリーブランドに / 彼が追い求める男達がいると分かった◆彼は惨めな家に戻った / 復讐の計画を全て整えて◆しかしたまたま / ドレバーが / 窓から見て / 通りに放浪者がいることに気づいていた / そして彼の目に紛れもない殺意があることを◆彼は治安判事の元に急いだ / 私設秘書となっていたスタンガーソンと一緒に / そして彼に説明した / 命の危険に晒されている / 嫉妬深く憎悪に満ちたかつての競争相手に◆その夜ジェファーソンは身柄を確保された / そして保証人を見つけることが出来なかったので / 数週間拘留された◆彼が遂に自由の身になった時 / やっと気づいた / ドレバーの家は引き払われ / 彼と秘書はヨーロッパに向かって旅立っていたと |
Again the avenger had been foiled, and again his concentrated hatred urged him to continue the pursuit. Funds were wanting, however, and for some time he had to return to work, saving every dollar for his approaching journey. At last, having collected enough to keep life in him, he departed for Europe, and tracked his enemies from city to city, working his way in any menial capacity, but never overtaking the fugitives. When he reached St. Petersburg, they had departed for Paris; and when he followed them there, he learned that they had just set off for Copenhagen. At the Danish capital he was again a few days late, for they had journeyed on to London, where he at last succeeded in running them to earth. As to what occurred there, we cannot do better than quote the old hunter’s own account, as duly recorded in Dr. Watson’s Journal, to which we are already under such obligations. | またしても復讐は挫折した / そしてまたしても彼の濃縮された憎悪は彼を追跡を継続する事へとかきたてた◆しかし資金が不足していた / そのためしばらく彼はまた働かなければならなかった / 迫り来る旅行に向けて一ドルを惜しみながら◆遂に / 生活を保つのに十分な金を貯め / 彼はヨーロッパに旅立った / そして敵を街から街へと追った / どんなつまらない仕事にもつきながら / しかし逃亡者に追いつくことは出来なかった◆彼がサンクトペテルブルグに到着した時 / 彼らはパリに向かって旅立っていた / そしてそこへ彼らを追っていった時 / 彼らはちょうどコペンハーゲンに出発したと分かった◆デンマークの首都で / 彼はまたしても数日間遅れをとった / 彼らはロンドンに向けて旅立っていたので / そこで彼は探し回った末遂に彼らを見つけることに成功した◆そこで何が起きたかということについては / この老いた狩人自身の説明を聞くより良いものはない / ワトソン博士の日記にきちんと記録された / 我々が既に多大なる恩義を受けている |
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復讐の天使たち 5 | ジョン・ワトソン医学博士の回想録の続き 1 ![]() |