ホーム長編緋色の研究四つの署名バスカヴィル家の犬恐怖の谷短編シャーロック・ホームズの冒険シャーロック・ホームズの回想シャーロック・ホームズの帰還最後の挨拶 シャーロック・ホームズの事件簿

“Does anyone else know of this?” he asked.

“I have told no one else.”

“But this man your friend has he any other person that he would be likely to write to?”

“Well, I dare say he knows one or two more.”

“Of the lodge?”

“It’s likely enough.”

“I was asking because it is likely that he may have given some description of this fellow Birdy Edwards then we could get on his trail.”

“Well, it’s possible. But I should not think he knew him. He is just telling me the news that came to him by way of business. How would he know this Pinkerton man?”

McMurdo gave a violent start.

“By Gar!” he cried, “I’ve got him. What a fool I was not to know it. Lord! but we’re in luck! We will fix him before he can do any harm. See here, Morris, will you leave this thing in my hands?”

“Sure, if you will only take it off mine.”

“I’ll do that. You can stand right back and let me run it. Even your name need not be mentioned. I’ll take it all on myself, as if it were to me that this letter has come. Will that content you?”

“It’s just what I would ask.”

“Then leave it at that and keep your head shut. Now I’ll get down to the lodge, and we’ll soon make old man Pinkerton sorry for himself.”

“You wouldn’t kill this man?”

“The less you know, Friend Morris, the easier your conscience will be, and the better you will sleep. Ask no questions, and let these things settle themselves. I have hold of it now.”

Morris shook his head sadly as he left. “I feel that his blood is on my hands,” he groaned.

“Self-protection is no murder, anyhow,” said McMurdo, smiling grimly. “It’s him or us. I guess this man would destroy us all if we left him long in the valley. Why, Brother Morris, we’ll have to elect you Bodymaster yet; for you’ve surely saved the lodge.”